I have never built a website and don’t know much about doing so, but I have a friend who is a 28 year-old mother and needs a double lung transplant due to a debilitating disease that she’s had her whole life. She was told she wouldn’t live past the ago of 16, and here she is with a family that depends on her. I want to make a user friendly website, that I can get for free (because neither of us have much money to spare), but still looks professional- so that I can tell her story and set up a PayPal to accept donations for her surgery. If you know of any nice websites offering free space, or a free domain (however you put it)- I’d be so grateful to know of them. Thank you so much.
Our Answer: From your webspace free query above, why not try Hostgator for almost nothing ($0.01).
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Weebly is not a good choice – however, feel free to take the other user at his offer!
I suggest using x10hosting.com or 000webhost.com
If you want to use your own domain, i suggest 000webhost; if you don’t care what your domain is, ie: domain.pcriot.com then you can use x10hosting.
These websites allow full HTML customization, and also allow server-side scripting with a MySQL server.
Weebly can’t beat that 🙂
Good Luck!
If you need further assistance/advice, feel free to contact me.
I think! Haven’t used it in a while.
If you need any help please let me know.
I am a aspiring web designer and I am will to help you if you need help with creating the website. I won’t charge you anything
Feel free to email me at palvarado14@yahoo.com
Free web site sources:
Budget Web Hosting List (2 pages): http://www.thefreecountry.com/webhosting/budget1.shtml
PHP, SMPT, Database (All Free): http://x10hosting.com/free-hosting-signup
No Ads: http://www.weebly.com/features.html
There is no such thing as a free domain.
Free web hosts do exist, but they have their limitations, and more often than not the headaches that come with them aren’t worth even their free price.
However, there are web hosts that also offer domain registration, so that you can get both in one go. Check out http://buywebspacetoday.com/ for recommended web hosts.
Note that some of these web hosts do offer free domain registration if you sign up with their web hosting, so that’s bound to save you some money.
You don’t have to spend a lot of money, by the way. A typical hosting plan that has all the features you need can start at $3 a month: http://buywebspacetoday.com/lowest-hosting-prices/
If you want to make your website more credible and take advantage of word of mouth, invest in a domain name and hosting.