A frequently-asked query: im starting up my new site and i would like users to be able to host their own subdomain on my site all i really need is a script that can be installed easy that has a …
How can a domain host other domains?
A common question: Allowing them access to cpanel.. I only know a way to allow them access as a subdomain (ftp) i have a website with one yes …
How to integrate other servers on my site?
A common query: If I wanted to include content on my site from other servers, including hosting a subdomain from other servers (all under one network and one external IP) how would I do this using …
How do you make a subdomain with Godaddy?
A frequently-asked query: Okay, so I got a Go Daddy hosting accound and got my website set up just about how I want it and I want to set up a subdomain. There is only one problem I don't know how. …
How can I install it on my main domain rather than subdomain?
A common query: I recently bought a script, and as per their support system, I installed it "on a subdomain, not on the main domain." I actually opened an FTP account on my cPanel and …
What's the best free web hosting with no ads and working autoinstaller?
A typical query: I'm looking for a reliable free webhosting that would have cpanel and working autoinstaller or website builder with no catch and no ads. Do not care for email, subdomain, addon …
DNS Urgent Help Required – Custom A?
A typical question: Hello. I want my subdomain to be pointed using an IP... Example: shows Google's homepage. I want to show my subdomain's webpage when one navigates …
Free third level domain or webspace with java programming support?
Query: Hi, I am looking for free webspace or subdomain within a domain where I can create my personal website with some programming support like Java. I want to do some basic stuff like storing …