A frequently-asked question: How do I set up a website? I already have the code finished, but I don't know how to set up a server and make it so that I could get to the site through google. Also …
What free hosting site support Widgetbucks Ads?
A common query: I'm a blogspot user and I tried setting up widgetbucks ads on my blog but it does not show up. I have read that google banned the widgetbuck ads to appear on blogspot which is …
Where can I find a free hosting site?
A typical query: I am looking to start up a fan club, and am looking for a free hosting site that can provide me with resources such as web layouts, and possibly forums. I have limited web design …
Can you suggest any sites offering free web space with no ads?
Query: I've been trying to find and use the best hosting site where I can use free webspace to upload my website. I've tried "http://www.freewebspace.com" as a start up site but after using …