A frequently-asked query: and/or give me the most webspace for free …
Is it possible to upload a MS Access database on to webspace and use it (for free)?
A frequently-asked query: If yes... How!! …
Award Winning Web Hosting Deals
Heart Internet Hosting has recently been voted one of the top 10 web hosts in the world in both the “Reseller Hosting” and “Readers’ Choice” categories for the HostReview …
This is the Right Time to Move at Namecheap
#SOPAsucks As you may heard, last month Namecheap took a big stand against SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act proposed in the US. Namecheap leads “Move Your Domain Day” with a special $6.99 …
I need a good cheap web host?
A frequently-asked query: Well i have been using free hosts for ever and every where i go people always say that a paid host is better so im going to try and do it, im new at this but i guess its …
What is the best GoDaddy Alternative?
A frequently-asked query: What are some alternatives to Godaddy? I need an alternative that offer wordpress web hosting like Godaddy does with an auto script installer. I also need a place to …
I am planning on getting a dedicated server, what do you recommend?
A frequently-asked query: I have a small webdesign studio and I need the server to host my clients. The best deal I've found so far is godaddy.com what do you think of that company? What I need …
how to get my hosting company going…?
A frequently-asked query: hello, i currently own my own hosting company offering shared hosting, reseller hosting and domain name services, i acually own the servers at my location and host …
what host should i choose from justhost, hostgator, ipage or hostmonster?
A frequently-asked query: i am starting a small web-based business with blog and can't decide on what offer is best. i am looking for best uptime, easy cpanel site setup, e-commerce support state …
What's the best web host?
A frequently-asked query: I need a web host that offers the following 1:cpanel mysql FTP php rails cgi python wap 2: unlimited web space 3: 500gb bandwhich or more 4: free domain name 5: …