A typical question: I'm going to be making a web site for somebody and I have to do it without it costing anything. I know of free web hosting from Angelfire and Geocities, but I really would like …
Some Decent Free Web hosts?
A common query: What are some good Free web hosts for a moderately popular website. It has to support Ftp upload and at least some basic html. They also have to have at least 500mb webspace …
Can you give me the link to a REALLY good free web host?
A typical question: I need a link to a REALLY REALLY good and FREE web host that doesn't post ads and has a text editor so you can manually put the HTML code in yourself. Me and my friend are going …
I need a FREE web host that offers free domains/sub domains The quality's i need are listed below…?
A frequently-asked question: Look. I am trying to find a free web hoster that (X). I can upload from frontpage, (X). Has frontpage extensions*, (X). Offers 20 mb webspace and up (X). Any amount …
Free Domain free web publishing?
A frequently-asked question: Which website has a free domain not sub domain (eg www.myname.com), web publishing with frontpage extension, have about 100 mb and above webspace(if cannot is all right) …
Free Domains name -not .coms/nets?
A common question: I have a webspace that I have been sponsored with. I am getting a domain soon, though I want the site to be done first and people to be able to see it before I get the domain. …
does anyone know how to setup a remote access account creation? i am starting a web hosting website?
A typical query: i need to set it up to where users can create accounts and select a package and have it created. please help, i can offer you free webspace. …
i need to make a free website with no fees with no ads and banners!!?
A common query: please help me i need a free host i got my domain name but need webspace.!!! no ads or banners forced …
plz ans this… i wanna make a website of my own. which site will give me max. webspace……………?
A common query: geocities/blogspot etc. are a few options. but among these all companies, which will give me MAXIMUM WEBSPACE and a DOMAIN NAME OF MY OWN. (for free?) …
Why do idiots post e-feds here, that's clearly not what this site is for?
A typical query: If you want an e-fed get damn free webspace like any normal damn e-fed would …