I’m a student and was wondering if any one knew a good site that hosts web space so that i could make my own website. I should need some amount coz my design work could get bulky
any ideas??
Our Answer: From your webspace free query above, why not try Hostgator for almost nothing ($0.01).
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A lot of people with their own domains also allow hostees. This means that if they are http://something.com, you can be http://kk.something.com. However, if you don’t know where to start, this can be a daunting task, especially if you need a good amount of space.
What kind of design do you do? I know a lot of graphic artists use http://deviantart.com, which lets you create an account and upload graphic art, traditional art, resources, stock, literature, web designs, just about ANYTHING art-related. It’s free, and it’s a great community, and no I’m not getting paid for saying this, either.
The way I got started with a good web host was to go somewhere like geocities, set something simple up there (but made it look nice), and then went to a design forum where they had a hosting section… similar to want ads, where you could post if you needed hosting or if you had hosting available. The forum was http://createblog.com/forum, and I’m pretty sure they still have that feature.
Good luck!
Get 25 GB of free space on http://www.streamload.com
Ist is good
I am using it
A relatively inexpensive site that I have had a lot of luck with is dot5hosting
You can make a website front-end using yahoo geocities.
They also have nice tools in case you’re not so much into html. (geocities.yahoo.com)
Whenever you have giant files just put up a link on the website to either an FTP server you are running locally , or use a free service like StreamLoad
or aol’s Xdrive, you can store up to 25GB or 5GB respectively AND you can also make any file you choose available for public access.
Free web hosting usually not reliable and it may DOWN,,DOWN,,DOWN,,So your vistor will not come back .All your hard work may be lost and Search Engines are NOT on friendly terms with free webhosting site.Free web hosting are also have a lot of annoying advertisement…
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Good luck!