Is there any way to get free webspace? I want to make a website and all I need is the webspace? Does anyone provide it for free? Is so please tell. thanks
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Do a search for Free Web Hosting Service, and decide which one you prefer (usually try each one for a little bit before you finally tell people about your website)
You can ask your ISP to see if your internet subscription comes with free web hosting, and use that instead. In this case however, you’ll have to learn how to make the website completely by yourself. By this I mean learning HTML. Or you can use FrontPage, DreamWeaver, Microsoft Expression Web, or any similar program to make it, then upload to your ISP provided webspace.
Note that these links offer free webspace, but usually force you do advertise their company in some form.
If you bought your own domain name, you won’t find free hosting. You can get free hosting through sites like freewebs.com and wordpress.com but you won’t be able to use your bought-and-paid-for domain name with it unless you pay a fee.
If there were true free hosting, we’d all be milking that cow. But hosting isn’t free for us or the hosting providers, who have to make money somehow.